It was a couple of months ago that I was asking God for some energy. I had this laziness that came over me and I felt so sluggish. I didn't want to clean my house, or get off of my couch to do anything! I hated waking up in the morning so early, I just wanted to sleep longer. I wasn't sad or depressed, just exhausted. But why? Could my excuse be that I'm a mom of 3 and I'm super busy? Well, I'm not alone! I thought if I prayed about this, God would hand me over some extra energy...just in some miraculous form where I'd not have to do anything to get it! I should have known then that God doesn't work like that!
A family member had put Insanity into our hands months ago. Sure, it crossed my mind, but not enough to "push play." Finally, a week or so after that prayer, something inside of me was begging for more than just eating healthier. Even though I wasn't fat, I wasn't at all content with my body. I was craving a transformation and heard that Insanity was just the type of program for that...and I had it! So why not? A couple of weeks into it I had realized that this was just the beginning of God answering my prayer that I had requested to Him. I was waking up early to work out, I was being energized, I was becoming the opposite of lazy! I still didn't really WANT to clean my house...but maybe that will come in time hahaha!
I decided right from the beginning to put myself out there to have the feeling of being held accountable. The more people I told, the more people would see me as a quitter if I didn't finish. I told family, friends and even strangers. I got on all my social media networks and went nuts haha! It was through Instagram that I met a Beachbody Coach and became a part of his and his wife's "team". I believe it was no accident, that I came across these guys who have been nothing but supportive and uplifting to me. On top of that, they too are Christian's. It's important to me to have my main supporters understand how much this change in me is very much tied in with my faith. So after joining their Shaun T (creator of Insanity) group on Facebook, I learned so much and became a part of an awesome community. I started drinking Shakeology, which I LOVE, and I just this week officially became a Beachbody Coach. I'll talk more about what that is soon, but basically it's a door that has been opened for tons of opportunity for my family and me. Being a Coach isn't being a personal trainer, but it's being a supporter and way for others to find more out about becoming apart of Team Beachbody. I can offer products, like Shakeology and programs, like Insanity and I can stand behind them because I KNOW how awesome they are!
My journey is just beginning, I'm so excited and I honestly can say, I don't plan on looking back :) I posted some pics of my progress so far. Due to my insecurities, I never thought I'd post some of these, they were just for myself. SO pardon the hair and the serious faces lol. I know that pictures can be inspirational to people, as they have been for me. So as hard as it is for me to post these, I'm doing it anyway :)
After starting Insanity, my twins sister started a week later, my husband started a week after that and my brother in law started another week after him! They're loving it! Please don't hesitate to ask any questions at all if you have the desire to start something like this! I'd love to help :)
People have been asking about Shakeology...find more info here!