So I finally decided on a resolution for the year of 2013. Maybe it's more of a goal than a resolution, but anyway, you get the idea. I decided that I want to be more organized with our money. We tend to be a little careless at times and we're not great at saving. I know we could change this around and I've been feeling the pull to do it, so that's one. The second goal is to become more physically fit. I've got the healthy eating down pretty good (although there's always room for improvement) but I haven't made time for exercise in years. I had 3 children in less than 5 years, so in between I did some, but nothing that ever lasted. My youngest just turned 17 months and now that there's no more kids in the near future (or probably at all), I want to make room for this in my life.
Two days ago I started the workout DVD program, INSANITY. I've had it sitting here for a while and for some reason, the other day, I just felt really motivated to do it. I'm the type of person that loves looking at other peoples progress and before and after pictures. They really do inspire me! When I see these people who started out so unhealthy and overweight and they turn themselves into these sculpted little power houses, I think, 'well if they can do it, I can do it too!'. There's just a few things that usually get in the way of my inspiration: time, kids, and laziness. The past couple of weeks I've been paying more attention to how much time I spend scrolling through my phone, or watching TV at night and I thought, 'I have no excuse!'.
I started on Tuesday because Monday was a holiday and we had a big huge delicious roast beef dinner at my parents house. I was in no shape for exercise, but it was an amazing last meal before starting this program :) The first day is a fit test and that alone was a killer. Yesterday was 40 something minutes of crazy, insane cardio! I can hardly move this morning. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it today, but I'm hoping as I move about this morning that my muscles will loosen up a bit. So, I'll be updating on my 60 day journey! I'm hoping by tracking it here, it may be a form of accountability. I do NOT want to give up. So here it goes!
This is me, before and after workout day #2. I was literally stripping down by the end!
What kept me going was seeing the people on the DVD fall to the ground during our 30 second break. It let me know that this wasn't just hard for ME! Maybe if I get brave, I will show MY before and after progress pictures. After having 3 kids (2 of which were over 10lbs) my stomach is probably the loosest and weakest part of my body. I'm really insecure about it. In my mind, it's impossible to change. I hope I prove myself wrong!
It's February vacation for my kindergartner this week and all the bedrooms are a mess and laundry is piling up. I hate falling behind. It feels like I'll never catch up, especially with all the kids home at the same time! Now I've got this soreness from working out and I'm dreading carrying laundry up and down my stairs to the laundry room :/ I kinda just want to close all the doors to the messiness, forget about the laundry and sit here with my heating pad and tea. Okay, now I sound like an 80 year old! Time to get off the couch, happy Thursday!
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