Friday, August 21, 2015

Officially Seven

Seven. There's something about the age of seven that just sounds so...big kid. Warren has always been my baby. I mean, they're all my babies, but Warren, from the very beginning, has always been my dose of little kid. Leading up to the day he graced us, I feared that my longing to have a daughter so badly could possibly alter my excitement level when I gave birth. I knew that I would love any baby that I was blessed with, that wasn't the concern at all! Between saying good-bye to the days of Trevor being my one and only and wondering if I'd ever have a daughter, my anticipation was...well, off. Those last couple of weeks of pregnancy were so emotional for me. I was just shy of turning 26, I had an 18 month old baby who was huge and running all over the place, and I was about to have a scheduled c-section with 6 weeks of healing and no lifting. What was life going to be like? I knew I would miss Trevor so much being in the hospital, I could hardly deal with saying goodbye to him the night before delivery when we dropped him off with his auntie. Then it happened....the Dr held up my big ole baby and announced..."It's a boy!"

How is it possible that in that moment of his 2 second little life on earth, I could feel an outpouring amount of love for this child that nothing else in this world could measure up to? I loved him as much as my oldest child; instantly. There was an immediate burst of excitement, happy tears and smiles. My first thought was that Trevor had a brother; a future best friend and playmate. Once I got him in my arms, I knew that Trevor was just fine with his auntie, and I'd see him when I got home! I knew that having a second son was part of a perfect plan and that not having a girl (yet, wink wink) was just the way it was supposed to be and I didn't want to change that for anything. Time went on and, at the stage that Trevor was walking and running (9-10 months old!), Warren was still my snuggle bug baby that couldn't care less about all the hype of running around. His lazy bum finally started walking around 13 or 14 month old. I began falling into that trap of comparing my children and wondering why Warren wasn't following the same path as Trevor. Turns out, they're two different people! I am beyond thankful that my kids are all very different. It keeps things in and day out! Trevor has always been very tall for his age and he has a side to him that has been more mature, and ahead of the game, for the most part. Warren is...well, the complete opposite! So back to the seven's a bittersweet number for me. I can't believe my little guy is a big kid. Of course, age is only a number. He will forever dwell in my heart and mind as my little guy. His personality will keep him young for all of his days. I know he will forever be making people laugh, he will never stop being goofy. He'll love building Legos till the end of time, and he'll always be a huge fan of movies like Jaws, Jurassic Park, ET, Star Wars, Jumanji, Hook,...and all the adventurous classics! His imagination will take him far in life, and his love for babies, little kids and animals will certainly win the girls hearts. He will always have the gift of prayer, among other gifts that he's blessed with. He will always be protective over his brother and sister. He will always be well liked and people will always have fun with him...his smile and laugh are contagious! If anyone doesn't like him, they can try and mess with him, but he's tough as nails; the only thing you can hurt on him is his feelings. We'll always compare him to Leave It To Beaver, we'll always wonder where he thought up some of his sneaky ideas, and we'll always cave when he gives us those puppy dog eyes displaying his love for sugar. Some things, though, I hope won't last forever; I hope he will one day stop picking his nose, I hope one day he starts eating some vegetables, I hope one day he stops dripping on the toilet seat, I hope one day he washes his hands after he goes to the bathroom, I hope one day he won't think kisses from mommy and daddy won't be too germy, and I hope TO GOD he stops bringing bugs and creatures into my house (like, right on the dinner table)! Whether it's his always or his phases, they are pieces of him that make up our Warren Walter. I can't imagine him not being the way he is. My baby. My little guy. My mumma's boy. Happy seven, big kid.

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