Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Prevent The Stomach Bug!

A couple of years ago, my family and I were visiting the BFF and her family in the germy, contagious month of December. We had Christmas around the corner and my sister and kids would be visiting from out of state just after that. While normally I was quite laid back about germs with my friend's family, this time I had warned each of my kids NOT TO SHARE any drinks or silverware and to be extra good when washing hands. I wanted a healthy couple of weeks! Thinking my chat was successful and that my reasoning would be motivation for them to be cautious of germs, I sat back and enjoyed my visit while the kids played. It wasn't until all of the kids came stomping down the stairs to show us what they learned on the harmonica. THE harmonica. "THE" meaning, singular... and dripping with the drool of each and every one of them. Well, that was a fail...and to top it all off, my husband decides to give it a good wipe on his sleeve and start playing himself. REALLY?! Well it was a good try and as far as we knew, all of us were healthy so I knew I shouldn't overact. We went home and an hour later I got a call from the BFF saying, "we've got a puker!" Her oldest started the dreaded stomach bug and all of us had been more than exposed! So what did I do, I went home and Googled..."how to prevent the stomach bug after being exposed?" And that's where my research began. I put it in place immediately and not one of us caught that bug!

I learned a lot about our body's PH scale and how when it's balanced, it's ready to fight off the bad stuff...especially the stomach bug! Here is one Blogger's info on the stomach bug that inspired me to keep reading and put these easy health tips into our every day lives. Not only has it prevented the stomach bug, but unknowingly, we have been improving our health in so many other ways as well! SO EASY!!! Check out this quick video on Bragg's website to learn a little more!

I finally created my own little concoction that works for me so I thought I'd share and I hope you pass it along so that others can reap the benefits of this awesomeness. Here's what I do ONCE A DAY...for the bug prevention as well as daily health benefits!

1 can of seltzer water
2 tsps (usually the cap of the ACV is a tsp)
1/3 cup (about) of Welch's 100% Grape Juice NO SUGAR ADDED
Ice (optional, but tastes way better cold!
1 cute mason jar (optional!)

I drink this once a day...and it's not bad!!! I've actually grown to really look forward to it!

-Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar is (in my opinion) the best. I love their products! If you can't get your hands on this brand, just make sure it says on the label "contains the mother". This is pretty much the pulp at the bottom of the jar, which is what makes this whole thing work!
-Shake that mother up before pouring!
-NO SUGAR ADDED is so important. Adding sugar to this drink would basically be a wash out. Sugar will make your PH levels imbalanced and that's the whole point here.
-You don't have to use seltzer...I just like this because I like bubbles and a little added flavor. You can use plain water too!
-Don't take ACV straight unless instructed to. Mixing with another liquid helps your body to absorb it properly.
-When I know for sure I've been exposed to the stomach bug or even other sickness (like when my kids have it or they share a drooly harmonica with their sick friend) I drink this 3 times a day, lessen the water, and strengthen the grape juice. The grape juice isn't just for taste, it also aids with the PH balance and has lots of antioxidants in it!
-This whole remedy is to level your PH balance (sorry to be repetitive), so it won't work as well if you're eating or drinking super unhealthy. It's all about balance!
-I only give my little kids 1 tsp...I fill a shot glass with grape juice and add the acv to that. Same rule of thumb...1x a day for health and prevention, 3x a day when we know they've been exposed.
-And one of my favorites...LYSOL WIPES DO NOT KILL THE STOMACH BUG! Here is a great resource for what DOES work...please don't use the wipes for a stomach's a waste of time!

Lastly...I am not a doctor, I just like to learn and research things :)  I am not getting any payment or credit for this information. Just passing this along so that this world can be a little healthier without the use and cost of unnecessary medicine. I hope it helps you and your family!

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