Sunday, June 9, 2024

A Very Long Season

 In my last post I shared about a "season". I had no idea I left an unpublished draft just sitting there from 3 years ago. At first, I didn't have a recollection of writing it, but then as I read on and noticed that I included the time I was writing, (middle of the night) it started to come back to me. Interestingly enough, this 3-year-old excerpt could've been written 5 seconds ago; it still pertains! Maybe it's a very very...very long season (check it out here  For Everything There is a Season).

It occurred to me recently how much I miss writing. Every now and then I jot something down, but it's very inconsistent. I don't really want to partake in that trendy obligation of sharing every bit of my life to the internet. This can be hard, ant tempting, once you get going with anything on the world wide web. Still, it's not my plan. I do, however, have a lot of things I'm going through, or have gone through, that I know could be helpful, supportive, encouraging, and/or just a way to make someone smile! I've got to clean this space up a bit, since I haven't updated that I now have a fourth child (who is 7!) and in a few months, I will be the mom of 3 teenagers! 

Things I hope to be sharing more on: Teen parenting, homeschooling, New England living, Jesus, caring for a child with type one diabetes, marriage, family, friendships, chronic illness, Lyme disease, ADHD, dogs, cats, gardening, poetry, and all the little miracles in between. If you're here... happy reading!


For Everything There is a Season

For everything there is a season, Krista, and a time for every matter under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1


2 AM (ish)

Seasons seem to be an understatement for life in our home right now. Some days it feels like I have many people looking to me as the person who controls the weathervane... as if I have the ability to stop a storm or make it all warm and sunny. All I have to do to stop a daily storm with my kids, is to give in. And not the little things that are sometimes worth sacrificing victory, but the things that God honoring parents need to stand their ground on. It feels like a gust of wind trying to knock me down (hard!) every time I'm accused of being "so mean". It feels like hard, deafening rain when I'm unsure if I'm making the right call. I just want it to lighten up so I can hear more clearly what God wants me to do. Instead, I find myself screaming and yelling over all the elements, as if that helps! My kids may not hear me, but I know my Heavenly Father can hear my softest whispers through the most violent of storms. I know and trust that there is purpose to this season; the one which grows a teenager! It feels a lot like New England springtime... cold, raw, down pouring buckets of rain, mixed with days that tease us with glimpses of summer. Sometimes it even snows after a 75-degree day! But summer always comes!