Saturday, August 11, 2012

Quiet House Tonight

Not quite sure what to write about tonight, but the house is quiet, everyone is sleeping and I just feel like chatting! My oldest son, Trevor, is 5 1/2 and beginning kindergarten in just a few short weeks. I thought I'd be more emotional about it, and maybe I will be when the day presents itself, but for now I am eager for it to be here! As you can see, he is a total boy with a stick in his hand and scrapes all over his legs, and his very cool pose!

 This summer we decided to save our money and not sign the boys up for many extra activities. They attended Vacation Bible School for a week and that was it. I'm kind of regretting it now because this mommy has had some moments of feeling insane! My kids are great but it's a challenge to get anything done when I'm constantly busy with them. Not only do I just want my house to stay clean for 5 minutes, but I would love to be working on my photography a little bit more. School days, I know, will open doors for those things to start falling into place. Till then...patience! Then when I think like that I start to get a tad little guilty shock running through my bones. I'm never going to have days on end, at home, with no school or places to be, with my son again. This is it. His school career begins now...5 days a week!! Oh the mixed emotions of it all. How does something sound so sad and wonderful all at once?! I'm still going to have my 4 year old and 1 year old at home, so things will still remain crazy (which is my normal) for a little while :)

Another milestone that awaits us is my birthday. I'm turning 30 in a a couple of weeks. I'm so fine with this. Time has gone by so quickly that to me it seems like yesterday I was 25. And if yesterday I was 25, well then today I feel like 25! There are things about me that I can tell are getting older. I care about different things that I was quite ignorant to in the past. Like the foods my family and I eat, and learning to plant and garden (in containers mostly because Lord knows I can't deal with bugs all the time!) I care more about what God wants for me and not so much what I want for me. I care more about the world in general and how it will effect the new generations. These things are all things that make me feel a little more like 30. If caring more is what makes me feel like 30, I'm not sad about turning 30. I mostly feel sorry that when I was younger and heard that another person was 30, I thought they were old. Now I know that's the furthest thing from the truth lol!


I'm on day 10 of the South Beach Diet. I can't believe how good I've been on phase one. For those who don't know, phase one means no starches, fruit or alcohol AT ALL! So I've completely changed how I eat in the past 10 days, but I don't feel like my weight has changed that much. Of course my husband is dropping pounds like it's his job. I think it's my cue to start moving this 30 year old body just a little bit more! The question is, how long will I keep saying it before I actually do it?