Friday, August 21, 2015

Officially Seven

Seven. There's something about the age of seven that just sounds so...big kid. Warren has always been my baby. I mean, they're all my babies, but Warren, from the very beginning, has always been my dose of little kid. Leading up to the day he graced us, I feared that my longing to have a daughter so badly could possibly alter my excitement level when I gave birth. I knew that I would love any baby that I was blessed with, that wasn't the concern at all! Between saying good-bye to the days of Trevor being my one and only and wondering if I'd ever have a daughter, my anticipation was...well, off. Those last couple of weeks of pregnancy were so emotional for me. I was just shy of turning 26, I had an 18 month old baby who was huge and running all over the place, and I was about to have a scheduled c-section with 6 weeks of healing and no lifting. What was life going to be like? I knew I would miss Trevor so much being in the hospital, I could hardly deal with saying goodbye to him the night before delivery when we dropped him off with his auntie. Then it happened....the Dr held up my big ole baby and announced..."It's a boy!"

How is it possible that in that moment of his 2 second little life on earth, I could feel an outpouring amount of love for this child that nothing else in this world could measure up to? I loved him as much as my oldest child; instantly. There was an immediate burst of excitement, happy tears and smiles. My first thought was that Trevor had a brother; a future best friend and playmate. Once I got him in my arms, I knew that Trevor was just fine with his auntie, and I'd see him when I got home! I knew that having a second son was part of a perfect plan and that not having a girl (yet, wink wink) was just the way it was supposed to be and I didn't want to change that for anything. Time went on and, at the stage that Trevor was walking and running (9-10 months old!), Warren was still my snuggle bug baby that couldn't care less about all the hype of running around. His lazy bum finally started walking around 13 or 14 month old. I began falling into that trap of comparing my children and wondering why Warren wasn't following the same path as Trevor. Turns out, they're two different people! I am beyond thankful that my kids are all very different. It keeps things in and day out! Trevor has always been very tall for his age and he has a side to him that has been more mature, and ahead of the game, for the most part. Warren is...well, the complete opposite! So back to the seven's a bittersweet number for me. I can't believe my little guy is a big kid. Of course, age is only a number. He will forever dwell in my heart and mind as my little guy. His personality will keep him young for all of his days. I know he will forever be making people laugh, he will never stop being goofy. He'll love building Legos till the end of time, and he'll always be a huge fan of movies like Jaws, Jurassic Park, ET, Star Wars, Jumanji, Hook,...and all the adventurous classics! His imagination will take him far in life, and his love for babies, little kids and animals will certainly win the girls hearts. He will always have the gift of prayer, among other gifts that he's blessed with. He will always be protective over his brother and sister. He will always be well liked and people will always have fun with him...his smile and laugh are contagious! If anyone doesn't like him, they can try and mess with him, but he's tough as nails; the only thing you can hurt on him is his feelings. We'll always compare him to Leave It To Beaver, we'll always wonder where he thought up some of his sneaky ideas, and we'll always cave when he gives us those puppy dog eyes displaying his love for sugar. Some things, though, I hope won't last forever; I hope he will one day stop picking his nose, I hope one day he starts eating some vegetables, I hope one day he stops dripping on the toilet seat, I hope one day he washes his hands after he goes to the bathroom, I hope one day he won't think kisses from mommy and daddy won't be too germy, and I hope TO GOD he stops bringing bugs and creatures into my house (like, right on the dinner table)! Whether it's his always or his phases, they are pieces of him that make up our Warren Walter. I can't imagine him not being the way he is. My baby. My little guy. My mumma's boy. Happy seven, big kid.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Back On Track

It's so fun to get off track sometimes, isn't it? Getting back on that track is so challenging, yet OH so rewarding! In the past year or so, I've learned a lot about myself and the insecurities that have lurked in my brain for several years. That whole story is for another day, but for now the short of it is's not worth it. I've learned that thinking of how I look, or what I weigh, and constantly wondering what people must think of me is completely selfish, totally self centered and not honoring to God at all. I didn't feel like I was being selfish, because I was thinking badly of myself. It doesn't matter what we're thinking though, does it? Whether I'm constantly thinking good or bad of myself, I'm still obsessed with myself! Not what I want at all. That brought me to change. God called me to be done with that, so with much hard mental work, I made some major changes. I stopped weighing myself, stopped complaining about my body and how I looked and decided to just have a season where I wasn't focused so much on my image. It's been about a year or more and I have been so much happier! My outlook on things is so different. It hasn't been a perfect journey, and it probably won't ever be. I still have the tempting moments where I want to listen to those little voices saying, "just say you look fat, you know you do!" That's where my strength from the Lord comes in and saves the day, because I certainly could not fight those demons off on my own! 

All of this brought on a sort of, a comfort for me. I was really healthy for most of this time, but over this past winter, I got extra comfy. I mean, who doesn't feel extra comfy when there's 3 feet of snow out side and you can hide under leggings and big sweaters?! Every time I could start to see that track I wanted to get back on, but it would snow again...making it really hard to see any track! Spring has come and is almost gone and now there's no excuse. I can see the track as plain as day. This past Monday, I decided to get on it and not look back. I don't usually weigh myself anymore but after joining My Fitness Pal a few days ago, I thought...ehh, what harm could it do? I had originally made some wild guess as to how much I gained. I was really hoping I had shot high with this guess, but turns out I was exactly right! Talk about knowing your body! Shockingly, I did quite well with the news. If this were the old me, I'd be dwelling in my sorrows for days on end, been a witch to my family, and probably would've Googled the latest fad diet and jumped on the wagon. 

Not going there and I'm feeling quite victorious about the whole thing. I know the victory for getting back on track typically doesn't come till somewhere down the after you've lost the weight or gained some muscle or completed some cleanse; but not this time. My jeans might be a little tighter, I may have divulged in some bad eating habits and become physically weaker, but I can't even explain the mental strength it takes for me to not let a number on a scale take me down. While I'm not willing to sit around and let my jeans get tighter and be ignorant of my health, I'm also not willing to look at myself like a failure or obsess over the whole thing (while it's quite tempting!). 

I want to be healthy, I want to eat good, stay fit and not be sidetracked my by old self loathing attitude. Jeans getting tighter isn't the end of the world, it's the start of getting on track and taking the first steps with the right focus and frame of mind that God calls us to have when caring for our bodies. The best part about listening to what God wants is knowing He's right there with me the whole time. The second I feel alone is the moment I have fallen and tried to do it on my own. It will happen, probably more than once or twice. But with His grace and love, I will be picked up, once again, and move further along on that track each time!  

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Our 2 Weeks of Summer

They're gone. Once again. Another visit in the books. This visit has left me feeling a little different than usual. There was a lot of "usual" that went on while the Bales' were home, but it was a little more...magnified than "usual". There was the usual tears, heightened emotions, and lack of sleep from all of the kids, but it seemed to effect them more this time. Maybe quarters were to close, maybe it was the ages and stages that some of these kids are at, maybe it was that they just didn't feel at home. There was the usual lack of communication between the adults, changing of plans at the last minute, and feeling like there wasn't enough time in the visit for everything we wanted  to do or people we wanted to be with. But this time, some things came to a head, feelings were felt, words were spoken, and exhaustion was upon us all.
I appreciate every visit we have with my sister and her family. But I'm sick of it. I'm sick of things getting harder each and every time. I'm sick of cramming months of unspent time together into several days. I'm sick of all the cousins getting so frustrated with each other by a week into a visit because they go from never seeing each other to being forced on top of each other.  I'm sick of feeling like I don't want to share my sister with anyone else while she's here, I'm sick of not knowing when the next time I'll see  them all again, I'm sick of saying goodbye, and seriously...I'm sick of gaining 10lbs by the time they leave...every time!
So many fingers seem to be pointing in the direction of, MOVE HOME! In my point of view anyway. Oh, how our lives would be changed in so many awesome ways! I hate feeling like we're missing out on a season that we can never repeat. It's going to come and go so quickly and I want us to all be together for it. And we're not. I want us to be that village that I always anticipated us being.
Is it selfish to say that these visits are not enough? They're expensive, they're squished (in so many ways!), they're emotionally draining and few and far between. The kids are SO off routine that we start making excuses for all of them and let them get away with murder. It makes me feel like we're all only seeing glimpses of what these kids are really like because they are so out of the norm. And it's not their fault. I'll shove some candy in every one of my kids faces if it means they'll be quiet so I can have 5 more minutes of chatting with my sister! Bedtime routines are shot because no one wants to spend the time away from anyone to tackle that job. The men go from having amazing times together to hardly talking till the next visit.
I sound like an unappreciative, complaining little brat. I just don't get it. 5 years ago when the Bales moved away, God was most certainly sending them in His direction. It was so clear. But is He always that clear? Sometimes I feel like we wait for God to give us some blatantly obvious sign when it's not really needed. Or is it? Sometimes it seems so clear to me that these guys are supposed to end up back here...and soon. But does anyone else see that, or is it just me? The trips back and forth from Memphis to Boston and Boston to Memphis are getting fewer and fewer but more exhausting each time. I hate not knowing what the future will bring. I live on the hope that things will change but let's be just might not.
I'm going to go back to my Dr.Pepper and box of Cheez-Its now (my own little pity party) and hope for the best. Tomorrow things will go back to normal again and there will be no summer days together or fun sleepovers with the kids. No last minute ice cream runs, or backyard bbq's. No double or triple dates or BFF beach or pool days. Our summer together happened in a chaotic 2 weeks in the middle of May.